Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Week That Was.....

Hey there.... lolzzzOkay... sorry bout that bit of crap, but seriously, I kinda am tongue-tied now......

Not for any particular reason....Wait a sec, what am I crapping for.. back to what this post is supposed to be, my week was kinda... okay, i guess

Oh, yeah!!!! Today is merdeka, Malaysian National Day, but not many celebration seems to be going on.... Actually, even the TV shows aren't all that good, which is why I am sitting here, my fingers dashing on the keyboard, but that is totally a different story. Somehow, or the other, my school did not celebrate the national day this year...........I mean, no complaints there, seeing that they usually make us stand under the hot sun, but it kinda feels..... not nice. There is something in shrieking our heads off and fooling around and not being civilised.... IT'S FUN!!!We did not do our act this week, but we have to do it next week.........

And my homework is at a pathetic state..... guess that kinda defines me

BTW....I watched the hindi movie that they put on TV3 yesterday... called Bhool Bulliyaa, or something...... It had the same story line as Chandramukhi...... For those who does not know what that is, it is a movie that came out in 2006 about a haunted castle that was inhabitated by a king who kidnapped a woman to be a geisha, not caring about the fact that she already has a soulmate,,,, at least that's what she calls him........ She secretly let her lover stay in a house exactly behind the castle where her room window overlooks......

WHen the king got to know it, he asked them both to perform together and slashed of the guy's head........ So, the classic story, her spirit is still in her room, waiting for revenge.... (she was burned to death at the same place the exact moment).. N then it was sold to this Indian guy who went to America and got married to this woman... who was interested in these kinda folk "mythologies"..... (in the hindi version, she was an archaelogist) due to her background (the background varies between the two movies, the hindi version more about materialistic hunt and the tamil one more about caste).......

All suspicion was thrown on a total different woman (a gardener's daughter, in the tamil version, the girl the american guy is supposed to marry in the hindi version), who of course was the heroine of the show..... but, OBVIOUSLY, the hero got it figured out as soon as he arrived there that she was innocent (and he falls for her!!).... LOLzzz, the story took many more climatic turns in the tamil version, but in the hindi version, it was a bit more richly looking, and with all those..... dunno how to put it.

What suprised me, though, was that the hindi movie only had two songs while the tamil one had the normal amount of song... 6 songs, if i am not mistaken, and in the tamil movie, it was a bit more..... of fires and burning and big eyes while the other was slashing of swords and breaking of cameras.......THe hero, i frgot to mention was THE super star in tamil movie (Rajni), and AKshay in the hindi...... Although the tamil one was more funny (it had the best comedian in it doing stupid dialogues), the hindi one did have more comedians, though most of humour was from the main lead only,,,,, so wasn't really a bated-breath kinda show.........

God, why am I doing this again, i dunno but i think it is coz well, no nice shows on tv and the fact that i luv to....... never mind.....

Nyway, gotta go!!!! Wanna go try convince my dad to let me go out tonite..... Goodbye and happy merdeka again.....

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dedicated to Everyone out there....


The reader of this poem
Is as cracked as a cup
As daftas a treacle-coffee
As mucky as a pup

As troublesome as a bubblegum
As brash as a brush
As bouncy as a double tum
As quiet as a shh.....

As sneaky as a witch's spell
As tappytoe as jazz
As empty as a wishing well
As echoey as as as as as.....

As bossy as a whistle
As prickly as a pair
Of boots made out of thistles
And elephant hair

As vain as trainers
As boring as draw
As smelly as a drain is
Outside the kitchen door

As hungry as a wave
That feeds upon the coast
As gaping as a cave
As GOTCHA! as a ghost

As fruitless as a cake of soap
As creeping-up as smoke
The reader of this poem, I hope,
Knows how to take a joke

Stumbled upon it somewhere.... pretty cool..... enjoy, kayzzz

First Blog of the Day.... oops!! Morning....

Hey there....
Well, as you people out there know... Kamatchi here
with a new blog.... lol
So many pissed that I haven't updated my blog for so long....
My blog...
chose a real weird name
from a real weird subconscious memory...
Weird might as well be my middle name
People are really starting to complain that I am very....
(to put it nicely)...
I mean, wth
i ain't that weird, now am i???
Okay, so maybe you better not answer that!! :)
Nywayzzz, made a new
Should update blog at least
once a week
Hey, don't blame me
blame it on my teachers
that really love loading us with homework...
SO, sitting up awake at 2.40am
I should have better things to say, rite
Nyway, those who are reading,
I am kinda nocturnal...
Not a cat-burglar... but..
well, you get my drift!
So, catching up over a cuppa,
My life this past days have been ok
ups and downs
more downs than ups but, hey
Who's complaining?
One more day of hols today
thanx to some bi-election ..
I get to laze around....
Haizz... dunno what to say...
Bye then... Got few more posts coming up

I used to think that the human brain was the most fascinating part of the body. Then I thought, "What part of my body is telling me that?" -- Emo Philips