Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fact file #2 : The Earth

~a soft spot for school makes a tough rock in the aortic pumps ~

The earth doesn't stop revolving. not for anyone. Not even for the President of US

IF a great lump of rock that is floating around in the vacuum space doesn't give a damn about what's happening in the life of the most important man in the world, what makes you think anyone else gives a damn about what's happening in yours?!

the earth has its very own core, and revolves about it, undisturbed by anything that's happening around it, not even to itself. So with our own epicentre on tow, we move on to, despite all the disappointments, the hurts, the cuts that bleed, the arrhythmia that attacks, the wounds that sting. BECAUSE LIFE GOES ON

Just like the earth, we have our own core, untouched by anyone out there, but just like the earth, everyone is trying to get to it. to try and extract from it the essence that is you. all the while making you believe it is for your own good.

The earth is protected from the lawyers not from the geologists. the space from doctors, not astronauts. everything has a weak spot. the problem is, everyone is in delusion. The geologists think they are doing earth a favor. The astronauts think they are making space interesting. But alas, the damage is by them truly. Thank god the space is a vacuum that holds nothing. What can you pull out of nothing right? (presuming of course, that you are not a magician, Barney Stinson or Leroy Jethro Gibbs)

But unfortunately, humans strive for excellence, or what they think is the excellent in them.. and the repercussions are fatal. Seriously. The only thing that keeps the earth going, is the little solitude in her, the knowledge that no matter how much the humans step on her, trod on every inch of her, make a complete nuisance of themselves around her, she is always bigger than them.. All of them put together. AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE SO TIL SHE FLIPS OUT AND KILLS THEM ALL...

~go on despite everything for it is guaranteed that it always gets better. ALWAYS.... for there is no such thing as perfection, but definitely a thing called roller coaster. so... keep hoping.... ~

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fact file #1 : Holidays

~today you made me really happy, so i can't say anything, but i will smile, and look forward to the next time it will be this good ~
they are... an interesting... phenomenon.
Can't live with them, can't do without them....

I had like a million things to say, but now i'm speechless.
you know why? yup.. because it's holidays...
sometimes you just don't wanna care about anything and everything, i mean holidays should mean that you get to take leave off everything, education, emotion, responsibility, facades, why should anything NOT be included?

Wanna hear the sob story of our lies, though?
NOTHING is a holiday, not even our normal holiday...

Come on, think about it.
what can you leave behind just because it is holidays?
Whatever you feel? whatever you wanted to do? Your hopes, dreams and aspirations? Can you even leave your school/work work behind you in this day and age? (of course, if you're in high school or below, i have nothing to say to you except enjoy the remnants of your life while you still can =.=)

Point is, looks like we now have to change our entire life into a ...... lagged holidays if we are ever to be able to kick back, and that brings forth everything we have been doing, or are planning to do.

My holidays are supposed to be the time when i have NO responsibilities at all. Like NONE. But now i have more.. because... well, because of many many reasons. That's not the point. The blog's not about me. IT's never about me. Let's move on.

Okay, i don't know the point of this. I don't think there is a point. I just wanted to put it out there. Coz the world now is not just water and natural resources deprived, it's also most definitely holiday deprived.
And noone's doing anything about it.

So, who's gonna be the next Nobel laureate, ladies and gentlemen? we just found a crisis, someone, find a solution.

~ things happen for a reason, things don't. right now, i'm down enough to check the phone a million times, waiting for that text, but we both know frog-style can't wait :) ~

Monday, June 6, 2011

penang ftw :D

~ first you just owed me lobster, now you owe me more, but it feels like you totally forgot. About everything.... ~

Haha.. nothing much to say, but PENANG deserves a post just for being its awesome self
so here you go.
a shoutout to the island :))
the mainland :))
the people :))
the food :))
and everything in between :))

haha... just can't stop smiling...
the only thing i miss? mobility, and i don't mind that that much too, thanks to my parents being awesome.. haha

and the tv, like finally, feels like i'm not imited by my laptop screen anymore.. XD

so, yeah.. till next time then

~ I'm gonna keep laughing and smiling, because otherwise it just hurts. just a little. just enough to remind me of you.. ~

Saturday, June 4, 2011

because it hurts...

--- i'll smile because it happened, and i'll smile because it'll make you smile as not only did it happen, it's also over ---

Yes, this is going to be one of those posts that dwell on the mediocrity and the fluidity that is life, so if you're here looking for one of those really hyper optimistic ones i write, you can move on.....

OR you can try this out. Your call.

Today i was reminded of how closely associated our life is to the ocean. Not only do we depend on it for the resources that makes a difference, look towards it as an indicator as to how damaged our life on earth really is, and observe it to bring the variety that makes life worth living, our lives themselves are nothing other than the big vast ocean and everything it holds, with every being on the planet on a simple lonely raft.

Yes, bump onto other objects once in a while; boulders that hold us back momentarily or change the course of our lives, corals and other beauty that make you wanna sink the pedal deep and stay there a moment, or - worst case scenario - an incident that needs you to stop on a deserted island to repair the raft.

Inevitably, this brings us to crossing paths between many rafts.... some willingly changing the direction, made possible by the wonders of newton's discoveries, others reluctantly, but often with surprising results. But even when you get comfortable with where you are, where your paths has crossed, and how the situation is, there's always a reason to move on. To discover more, to challenge more, and to reach the ends of the world. So, there's a goodbye to be bode.

Because it takes a lot of courage to step onto a deserted island with someone else, food is scarce and cannibalism becomes an option thanks to the aura it holds. But the deep unfathomable dank aura is not what this is about, so lets move on. Point is, it takes a LOT of courage. Sadly, though, this is extremely vital, because it is almost impossible to simply hop onto another's raft without joining the rafts together, and even more impossible to survive long terms in cramped spaces, especially when the hurricane calls upon the banshee, pushing and pulling the strings holding the tides as it wills.....

But when the courage is there, when the beings' hearts are both set ablaze, this fire, this fury that melts anything it touches and scorches anything it doesn't both ensures survival and makes survival unimportant. After all, not all soul searching sailors have to end up in a story like that of titanic. There's always the nicer version of it, just untold due the lesser appeal of happy endings in this world, that previously didn't need them, and now don't believe in them.

Stories like that are hard to find, and certainly is not a part of this. This.... is more than just that. This is not only about the courage to throw caution into the winds, but this.... is the courage, the cold blue fury-whipped kind.. that has to exist before goodbyes between linked palms (and more) can.

Because, believe it or not, you're moving away, carried by the tide initially, but are you peddling towards or away from me, i cannot tell now. I really can't. And did you know that the seawater and the salt-saturated wind stings your eyes if you take off the goggles that both restrict your sight and protect your soul? So, I'll let the tides carry me for now, I'll let the almighty wind poke and prod at me as it pleases.... and I'll hope that some day we'll meet again. And the same link remains. Because in my heart, it forever will.

But for now, i wish you all the best in conquering new horizons.

~ because you made water seem like solid ground, and the less viscous it becomes, the more i miss you :"/ ~