Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Thoughts that breed insomnia in dreams....

Today i blog after a million years because today i have to say this...
Have you ever denied a child a lollipop because it's bad for her teeth? A toy because she shouldn't be spoiled? Then you may have hurt the child for a moment, but five minutes later, she's moved on, oblivious to what had happened before and unabashed by what may or may not happen later. You did the right thing, she is healthier - probably going to frequent the dentist less - and basically life goes on as if that 15-minute struggle that made you blush and glance around at all the onlookers in front of the cCheck Spellingandy store never occurred.
But what happens now, when we're at this tender age - and believe me, i think it's going to be very tender for the next fifty years - when forgetting isn't the norm? When every single deed you've done is scrutinized by people who are critical about every single thing you do, and then balanced on either side of an extremely accurate scale, beating the ones used to measure atoms. Things are certainly not going to be as smooth or easy, but how far does it go? How much does it adversely affect the people around you? Recuperation time is vital, but what comes primitively to most people is to reenact it in memory, like peeling a laceration wound over and over again. Worse still, if the prosecutor is the one, pretending to be a healer, peels it off, unknowingly, without any intention to hurt...
Because though not be seen, felt or heard, hurting another hurts your soul more than ever, that split-second moment when your heart's at the brink of just satisfying the person's want, and then chooses to instead pave a new road, trailing a more treacherous path, just to ensure that the journey for the other is better after a while. Why else do you think it's easier to advice your colleague then your best friend? For an acquaintance is just another person who fleets in and out your life, and while you try your best to help, they are not going to feel that hurt. Try hurting a friend. It's worse than you being hurt. It's more like..., injecting camphor into your bloodstream slowly. You get fits at the beginning, then you feel the slow excruciating pain, and just when you think you're going to be fine, the dosage is iincreased.
Yet the soul's better off scratched than ripped, for that's what happens when it's taken to too far an extent. That's like being shot in the head, no chance of survival at all. With the former, all you need is for the person to see logic. So does that mean it's okay for you to continuously hurt yourself if it puts another in a better state, although their hatred towards you is more tarnishing than all the hurt you've ever felt?
Oh, and if you think maybe it's for the greater good, and you're being all noble and everything, think again. Maybe you are being one, maybe it is good to comfort yourself that way, but is it not that the moment that thought crosses your mind, the second it's flashing there like blinding neon lights, you're finding an alternative way to feed your ego. Being the self-sacrificial person for the sake of getting to be known as one, anonymously announcing it through chance, it is so not selfless.
From a cynical point of view, even if all that didn't cross your mind and you are that innocent gullible person you claim not to be, it is still not selfless, for it is done to make that person - that person you're willing to give a part of you to - happy, which in turn makes you happy. SO behind all that hurt, is happiness in its purest form, a divine love like no other, and following the argument that love trumps hate at all cost, doesn't that mean that the hurt is thwarted by the glorious joy, thus perhaps the only person hurt is that person..........
And people say life is not a paradox.....