Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Happiness in the rhythm of a country song (:

~ They say that time takes it's toll on a body, 
Makes the young girl's brown hair turn grey ~

That song made me start blogging for the year. For those who are unfamiliar with how this works, basically something makes me start blogging, and naturally because writing is addictive, there is a spam of posts in that particular time period, and then I go AWOL for as long as I can remember. 

So disclaimer, apologies for all the frustration of both trying to keep up and of waiting. (A little like Sherlock, dontcha think?) {And that was inspired by the Messiah Complex-Russell Brand. If you have not watched it, you really have to. No kidding. The juxtaposition is mindblowing and downright absurd, but it's food for thought, because obviously that's what Brand almost always aims for. (: }

"In the coat of many colours, my Mama made for me" (: 

And with that I started thinking of what made me smile in a day. or maybe just this day? on a philosophical tone, what is happiness? 

Happiness is letting your hair down after a long, long day. Happiness is getting out of your jeans and into comfy shorts ready for bed. Happiness is staying up late doing things you have to do because at that point in time, it matters, and it is a favor for someone. Happiness is dancing along in the dark to random beats while doing that said particular work. And happiness is having a cup of coffee within reach so that you never run out of energy and as a result feel too lazy to hate the work you've done in the following morning. 

Happiness is knowing that  you'll be messaging that one person you never fail to communicate with in any day. Happiness is getting in touch with a friend you haven't spoken to in a long time, even if it s a result of a cliched and cheesy Facebook prank. Happiness is finding out that your friends are happy with their significant other. And happiness is a part of that confusing feeling you get when your friend turns to you in times of trouble with their significant other, and you're sad because you really want them to be happy, and you're anxious because you wanna do the right thing, you're lost because their feeling naturally echoes through you; and to confound you even further, you're ALSO glad that you can help when they need someone, and that's when that really confusing feeling of happiness comes in. Just a tad bit in the whole plethora of emotions. Because you know that sometime, somewhere in your life, you did something right, that allowed you to be a good friend. 

Happiness is sleeping in after a fruitful, sleepless night. Happiness is sleeping in knowing that someone'll wake you up, so who wants that alarm anyway? Happiness is waking up to a steaming cup of coffee. Happiness is when your mother makes a second cup of coffee because she knows you want one. Telepathy at its best. Happiness is pausing life for a couple of minutes in contemplation and total silence before rushing out to the next place for the next thing to be done. And happiness is when you at least get to drive there to get it done. 

Happiness is finally having control of the wheel. Happiness is when you get to choose the tracks, and they miraculously coincide with your emotions in perfect sync. Happiness is when you have to pause the player, because there is something worth talking about. Happiness is having wonderful people who are fun passengers that you wanna talk to. Happiness is no traffic jams. Happiness is no traffic cameras.

And happiness is having a ridiculous variety of things to do, and yet being able to blog because you damn well please, and you have the conviction that you'll get everything you need done, done anyway. 
Happiness is when you're swamped with all of that in a day.

~ But honey, I don't care, I'm in not in love with your hair,
And if it all fell out, well, I'd love you anyway ~